TP2 Series

User Guide

Table of Contents



Change/View Set Temperature

Change the Set Temperature

When using a panel with WARM and COOL temperature buttons, pressing either WARM or COOL will cause the Set Temperature to flash. Pressing a temperature button again will adjust the Set Temperature in the direction indicated on the button. When the LCD stops flashing, the spa will heat to the new Set Temperature when required. 

If the panel has a single temperature button, pressing TEMP will cause the Set Temperature to flash. Pressing TEMP again will cause the Set Temperature to change in one direction (e.g. UP). After allowing the display to stop flashing, pressing the TEMP button will cause the Set Temperature to flash and the next press will change the Set Temperature in the opposite direction (e.g. DOWN).


If a Temperature button is pressed and held when the Set Temperature is flashing, the Set Temperature will continue to change until the button is released. If only one Temperature button is available and the limit of the Temperature Range is reached when the button is being held, the progression will reverse direction.