A spa device is a pump, blower, light, etc. Press these buttons (E) to run spa devices. Depending on how many devices your system has, these buttons (E) may not control all devices. All devices can be controlled from the Spa screen (B).

Follow these steps to run spa devices from the Spa scree.

1 – Go to the Main menu and Spa (A) to view the Spa screen (B).*

2 – Control your devices.

3 – If all of the spa devices do not fit on a single Spa screen, an arrow (C) leads to the next Spa screen.

The functionality of each spa device may vary. For example, some devices may have a single speed or state, while other spa devices may have multiple speeds or states. Your spa configuration will determine the number of spa devices and the functionality of each device.

One Spa screen (B) can display a maximum of six devices. If your spa has more than six devices, an arrow button will appear (C). Press the RIGHT navigation button to view and/or run devices on the next Spa screen.

If a circulation pump icon appears (D) in the Spa screen, the icon is not controllable. It is there to show you the equipment status only.