Panel Light

The panel has lights that illuminate the frame. Follow these steps to turn On/Off the Panel light.

1 – Go to the Main menu, Settings and Panel (A) to view the Panel screen (B).

2 – Turn the Panel Light On/Off (C). The changes take effect immediately. No need to press a save button.

Screen Brightness

Follow these steps to change the brightness of the panel screen:

1 – Go to the Main menu, Settings and Panel (A) to view the Panel screen (B).

2 – Select Brightness (C) to view the brightness control (D).

2 – Set the brightness. The changes take effect immediately. No need to press a save button.

Screen Sleep

The screen will go to sleep after you stop using the panel. You can set the amount of time it takes for the screen to go to sleep by following these steps:

1 – Go to the Main menu, Settings and Panel (A) to view the Panel screen (B).

2 – Select Screen Sleeps After (C) to view the Duration screen (D).

3 – Select the duration.

2 – Cancel your setting (F), or save your setting (E).